HOME 最新消息 ★永生基督學院2020年春季班英文系-【英文閱讀與文法習作】課程報名中


永生基督學院  2020 年 春季班 英文系
師資介紹: 馮慧瑛 老師
輔仁大學跨文化研究所比較文學系博士班, 輔仁大學英文系研究所
永生基督學院  2020年春季班 英文系【英文閱讀與文法習作 】課程資訊:
這門課將以National Geographic LearningPathways系列閱讀教材為主,這是一套結合閱讀、字彙與寫作的教材,每個章節依據所關心的議題,收集兩篇文章,並搭配取自國家地理頻道的剪輯影片,設計提要問題,讓學生可以在閱讀之餘,進行批判性的思考,參與討論 。課堂中我們將以Level 2為主要教材,帶領同學閱讀所選文章,並學習英語閱讀常用的技巧,希望同學能培養不用查詢字典也能理解英文文章的能力,除了閱讀之外,也會利用各章節前後的暖身與主題思考活動,練習以英語進行。另外,每章節也提供基礎文法和寫作的練習,課堂除了會複習文法之外,幫助學生培養基礎寫作能力。
We will use The Pathways series published by National Geographic Learning as the main textbook.  In the book, there are 10 units focusing on different topics, including nature, technology, science, geography, history, human lives, world cultures, etc.  Each unit contains two articles with exercises on the new words for students to grasp before reading, and the questions for discussion after reading will help students practice oral expression and develop critical thinking.  Moreover, there is a short video clip on the relevant topic in each unit.  Through these clips and exercises afterwards, students can also have a chance to train their listening comprehension.  This semester, we will start to do a little practice in English writing along with reading. 
這門課主要是幫助同學加強英語閱讀能力的技巧,藉由閱讀有趣的文章,學習相關字彙,並能 針對該主題進行反思性的討論。此外,配合閱讀內容複習英文文法,練習基礎的英文段落寫作。
We will use The Pathways series published by National Geographic Learning as the main textbook.  In the book, there are 10 units focusing on different topics, including nature, technology, science, geography, history, human lives, world cultures, etc.  Each unit contains two articles with exercises on the new words for students to grasp before reading, and the questions for discussion after reading will help students practice oral expression and develop critical thinking.  Moreover, there is a short video clip on the relevant topic in each unit.  Through these clips and exercises afterwards, students can also have a chance to train their listening comprehension.  This semester, we will start to do a little practice in English writing along with reading.
Week 1
Chapter 1: Happiness幸福
Reading 1: “Is There Recipe for Happiness” 〈有幸福菜單嗎?〉
Grammatical Writing
Simple Present Tense
Week 2
Chapter 1: Happiness幸福
Reading 2: “Our Keys to Happiness” 〈通往幸福之鑰〉
Writing a Strong Topic Sentence
Week 3
Chapter 2: Inventive Solution有創意的解決方法
Reading 1: “The Power of Creativity” 〈創造力的力量〉
Simple Past Tense
Week 4
Chapter 2: Inventive Solution有創意的解決方法
Reading 2: “Big Ideas, Little Packages”〈大點子、小包裝〉
Supporting the Main Idea and Giving Details支持主旨並提供細節說明
Week 5
Chapter 3: Connected Lives連結的生活
Reading 1: “The Power of Crowds”〈群眾的力量〉
Present Perfect Tense
Week 6
Chapter 3: Connected Lives連結的生活
Reading 2: “Internet Island” 〈網路島嶼〉
Writing a Concluding Sentence
Week 7
Chapter 4: Saving Our Seas拯救我們的大海
  Reading 1:“Where Have All the Fish Gone?
Describing Charts and Graphs
Week 8
Chapter 4: Saving Our Seas拯救我們的大海
Reading 2:“What We Eat Makes a Difference”吃什麼很重要〉
Explaining a Chart or Graph
Week 9
Chapter 5: Memory and Learning記憶與學習
Reading 1: “The Art of Memory”〈記憶術〉
Using by + Gerund
Week 10
Chapter 5: Memory and Learning記憶與學習
Reading 2: “Sleep and Memory” 〈睡眠與記憶〉
Using an Outline
Week 11
Chapter 6: Animals and Medicine動物與醫藥
Reading 1: “The Snake Chaser” 〈逐蛇人〉
Making Concessions
Week 12
Chapter 6: Animals and Medicine動物與醫藥
Reading 2: “A Heaven for Chimps” 〈黑猩猩的天堂〉
Writing an Argumentative Paragraph論證式段落
Week 13
Chapter 7: Nature’s Fury大自然的憤怒
Reading 1: “When Tornadoes Strike” 〈龍捲風來襲〉
Describing a Process
Week 14
Chapter 7: Nature’s Fury大自然的憤怒
Reading 2: “Wildfires” 〈野火〉
Organizing a Process Paragraph

※   上課時數: 每週上課  2  堂,共   14  週     (上課週數如有異動, 教務處將另行通知)

※開課日期:  2020 年 03 月 05 日 
※報名日期: 追加報名至 2020 年 03 月 06 日止     
(1.)  報名方式:至本校教務處現場報名,或 線上報名:請點我
(2.)  學歷要求:高中職畢業
      (也歡迎 專科畢業生,大學畢業生/ 轉學生/ 肄業生報名參加) 
       對於學習 『
英文閱讀與文法習作 』課程有興趣者,歡迎報名參加。 
(3.) 報名洽詢:永生基督學院 教務處 TEL: 02-23751699 / 02-23889178
                      週一 到 週五早上 9 點 到 下午 7 點
                      非上班時間 歡迎透過 email 洽詢: